Plot 1995, Kyambogo Road

Ntinda, Kampala

Phone number

+256760252504, +256759857414

Home Pediatric Care Services

Pediatric Care Services at Home

Caring for your littlest loved ones is a privilege, and we promise to earn your trust by providing compassionate, professional care that meets the highest quality standards. Our caregivers are fully-screened and trained to help with anything from respite sitter services to 24-hour special needs care.

Our Pediatric Nursing Services

  • Neonatal nursing and care for premature babies
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Complex intravenous therapy
  • Pediatric oncology
  • Chronic diseases
  • Infectious diseases

Our pediatric and neonatal nurses make it possible for your children to receive the care they need, wherever they need it. We take a versatile approach in developing a medically sound plan of care to help babies, infants and children in need of a higher level of specialized care. We are here to help with all of your specialized childcare, newborn care and pediatric nursing needs.