Plot 1995, Kyambogo Road

Ntinda, Kampala

Phone number

+256760252504, +256759857414

Our services

What we do

Quality nursing care

Our programs and services are developed to meet the physical, psychological and psychosocial needs of our patients and their families in a way that ensures their dignity and self respect. We pursue excellence and quality, continued improvement in customer satisfaction and innovation.

Our approach

3 easy steps to quality nursing care


Make an appointment

Use our online form or call/visit us to make an appointment.


Nurse comes over

A qualified nurse comes to your home


Enjoy our service

We deliver the best service as per your needs

Home Visits/Welfare Checks

Sleep Tests/Sleep Management

Samaritan Home Health

Preoperative & Postoperative Care


Home Nursing Care

Samaritan Home Health Care

Home Physiotherapy

Home Bedside Care

Samaritan Home Health

Postnatal Care


Make an appointment

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Fill in the form below

Samaritan Home Health Care

Our testimonials

Our client stories

Frequently Asked Questions


We are located on Kyambogo road, above Inter-University Council of East Africa in Ntinda Kampala (Uganda)

We are neither! We have discovered that patients tend to recover faster in the comfort of their own homes. This also reduces financial burdens on the family by cutting on admission fees. We therefore bring expert health care to your home. We ensure to work with physicians in order to provide the best service possible.

Every recovery and management of illness varies from patient to patient. Please call our administrator for pricing. 

Our nurses are transported by our own driver. This ensureS professionalism and punctuality, which are are so important in the care of your loved one.

Yes! You can choose which nurse you want. An online app is coming out soon, that allows you to browse and select from our nurse staff. For now, let the administrator know your preferences and we will try our best to fit them.

24/7 Availability

We are available for home care consultation

Home visits/welfare checks

Long term illness such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart failure can feel overwhelming for the patient and the family to manage. Our nurses work with your physician to ensure your medications, diet, lifestyle, support system and home are working together to ensure you are managing this illness to the best of your ability.

Sleep test/sleep management

Chronic snoring and constantly feeling tired even after 7hrs of sleep could be an indicator of a disease called obstructive sleep apnea, which means you stop breathing in your sleep. We perform sleep tests to diagnose if this is the case and give recommendations that could range from change in sleeping position, lifestyle changes or use of CPAP at home.

Preoperative & postoperative care

Samaritan Home Health

Prior to having your surgical procedure, you should be aware of support needs to be in place when you leave hospital, and you should always endeavor to have that organized in advance. This is always possible because of the circumstances and homecare needs to be arranged so that your recovery can continue as soon as you arrive back home. Samaritan Home Health can have a professional Nurse in your home as soon as possible to give you the support you need the moment you arrive home.


Samaritan Home Health

For patients who are in hospital that have difficulty breathing or patients who are recommended CPAP at home. We provide the machines and training on how to use them for both hospitals and individuals who have been recommended for home use.

Home nursing care

For patients who have been discharged or are struggling to manage long term illness. Our nurses are available to work 8hr, 12hr, 24hr shifts to help aid with the medical care needed for proper recovery or management. These include but are not limited to postnatal , pre and post operative care as well.

Home physiotherapy

Recovery from accidents or managing diseases that weaken your motor function can be discouraging. We provide physiotherapists that come to your home and do exercises, stretches and massages to improve motor function

Home bedside care

Hospitals can be very chaotic. Nurses and doctors get very busy and the service of 1:1 is becoming increasingly difficult to offer in the hospital. Our nurses are available to monitor your health condition

Postnatal care

Samaritan Home Health

Samaritan Home Health can help you readjust to life at home as a new mother to feel safe and supported. And if you or your new baby need more intensive support, our high quality nurses will ensure that you have the level of care you need to help you on your road to recovery.