Plot 1995, Kyambogo Road

Ntinda, Kampala

Phone number

+256760252504, +256759857414

Home Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Services at Home

Our certified physical therapists are experienced in helping with recovery from issues such as fall injuries, joint replacement surgeries and stroke-related disabilities. Your individual treatment plan is designed based on your needs, with the goal of achieving the highest extent of recovery possible.

During the first visit, the therapist performs an evaluation of each patient’s unique needs. The physical therapist then creates an individualized treatment plan based on the evaluation and clinically proven therapy methods. The exercise program aims to help improve health and help patients return to a normal lifestyle.

The exercise programs can help to:

  • Improve overall strength
  • Decrease symptoms of illness
  • Improve breathing
  • Strengthen the heart
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve circulation
  • Decrease pain
  • Improve sleep and relaxation
  • Improve balance
  • Reduce risk for falls